Accolades Media – Google AdWords Certified Professionals

Outright Ways to Use Ad Words Effectively

“Less is more. Keeping it simple takes time and effort.” – Jeff Bullas

On years back, Google Ads were not much familiar among the digital marketing strategies, swiftly it has got a raspy transform. Users naturally expect adverts to appear so they can easily find what they are looking for. If you have a business that needs to be ranked on the top of SERPs then here are the absolute best ways to use Ad Words effectively.

Pilfer your contender’s clients

Keep a close eye on the businesses and websites that are your direct contenders. Rather than focusing on industry keywords, try setting up your ads on the brand names of well-established contenders that are filched the contender’s brand name. Understanding what your contenders are up to will go a long way towards helping you to haul your own Ad Words campaign in order to achieve triumph.

Unique Selling Proposition

Ads should be unique and attractive so it will drive more traffic to your site and also reduce unwanted clicks. In managing your Ad words it is one of the important factors that tops all the others in marketing as even price is not a factor if we have a strong USP.

Some of the inklings for having a good USP:

  • You should be aware of the competitor’s strategy.
  • Concentrate on customer’s needs and make things personal.
  • Should maintain good communication with customers.

Use of Negative Keywords

Ad Words allows you to use negative keywords as a way to exclude keywords that are not a good match for your product. When used correctly it helps to save time with more quality.

For example, if you own a boutique store that sells designer women’s dresses, not children’s, then you won’t want your ads to show up on searches for “children’s” dresses but do want them to show up on searches for “women’s dresses.” Thus, you can “children’s” as a negative keyword, and your ads won’t be shown for any searches that include the word “children’s.”

The other important thing to be noted in the use of negative keywords is the match types. They are classified into broad matched negative keywords, exact matched negative keywords and phrase match negative keywords.

If a keyword is negative broad then the ad will not show any time the entire term is used within a search query, and if it is a negative phrase keyword then it makes you exclude the ad for searches that include the exact keyword phrase and the exact-match keyword allows you to exclude your ad for searches of the exact keyword phrase without extra words.

Negative keywords help your ads reach the most interested customers. It helps to figure out who you are not selling through.

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